Covid-19 Pulse of Market Research

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Jackson has always been committed to providing an outstanding in-person research experience, and while we adjusted our facilities to accommodate today's needs at the beginning of this pandemic - now we've taken it a step further.


Here is what you can expect to see on your next visit to a Jackson facility.

First, we are staggering group times to ensure limited overlap between group start and end times. We have suspended our catering, and will be offering menu-only options, which will be delivered to you as they are provided to us.

In addition, you will see some significant differences in how we manage the flow of our work and the spaces inside your suite:


  • Staff members health screened prior to admission to facility
  • Sanitation using the most advanced products, including Micro ban 24
  • Touch free, wall-mounted sanitizing stations (as seen in hospitals)
  • Sanitization schedules posted through facilities and internal restrooms


  • Acrylic shields at reception desks
  • Staff provided PPE according to local and federal guidelines
  • Electronic re-screeners done prior to arrival
  • Electronic, touch-free check in
  • Text confirmations sent upon arrival for entry into facility


  • Individual entrances with respondent pathways identified for entry directly into focus rooms
  • Limited admittance to centralized restrooms (where appropriate)


  • Boxed, pre-packaged participants meals/snacks in focus rooms (when appropriate)
  • Acrylic, three-sided face guards for focus groups and mini groups
  • Payment made by hostess in room, allowing seamless exit
  • Individualized participant "stations" including water, paper, stimulus, etc. inside acrylic shield


  • Socially distanced seating for clients in viewing rooms and lounges
  • Pre-wrapped, individual snacks available upon request
  • UV sanitation wands used between clients and available for client use
  • Sanitized remote controls, one-time use supplies provided and individual beverage stations
  • Game and Art Room by “special request” or first come basis, as they have doors to outside directly from lounges